Who do you trust with your window tinting?

There is a saying out there about experience. Some people claim numbers of years of experience. The sad reality is, that their experience is often just one year.... repeated a number of times.

Why am I saying this?

I personally know a large percentage of the window tinters in New Zealand. Some use the films we distribute and use, others use films from different suppliers. A small number of the tinters have been in the busi
ness for longer than me.
My astonishment lies in the lack of knowledge so many people in the trade have. Some very basic facts, such as the need to identify the glass type, prior to recommending a film type, can make the difference of glass breaking or not!

The good distributors all have access to technical back up. It is usually available from the manufacturer, who has a technical and R&D section. I use their help when required. What is happening with the downturn, the distributors are down sizing their staff and subsequently the level of support. We now have people who have never installed a single piece of film advising others how to do the job! In some cases, the store-man is trying to help!

With the introduction of compulsory double glazing to new buildings in New Zealand, understanding the properties and window film becomes crucial. Dealing with an inexperienced person or company with a lack of knowledge can be very costly in the long run.

Perhaps I am fortunate to have access to t
he manufacturers to gain more knowledge. There is no excuse, however, for ignorance. I learned everything by showing interest and asking questions. Does the person you're dealing with have the right knowledge?

After all, e
ven the best film in the world is no good, if the dealer does not understand the basics!

So, who do you trust with your window tinting?
Ph 0800 846 892

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