Does any glass block UV?

That was the question I asked a while back in my survey.

Interesting answers, as very few people are aware that some glass is more effective than others.

Most people think that none of the types of glass stop UV. Fortunately, they are incorrect.

We are all worried about skin cancer and tint our car windows. If you are in a country like New Zealand, it is illegal to tint the front windscreen. So people worry about the UV transmission from the windscreen.

Relax, there is no UV transmission from those windscreens; they are made of laminated glass, which stops 99% UV.

Yes, laminated glass (except some sound-reducing glass) blocks the UV. The interlayer which glues the two layers of glass together stops the UV.

Just remember, blocking the UV only will not reduce fading of your furnishings! You need to reduce the direct heat and soften some of the light entering to make a real difference! So don't be fooled into a simple UV block only.

It does not need to be dark or reflective to be effective! A slight tint is no more costly than a clear UV block, so make the smarter choice.

For some good advice, contact one of the Master Tinters, listed here, or call Tint Waikato on 0800 846 892
Proud Member of Master Tinters NZ

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