Is life really that boring?

Stuck in a rut..........

.......bored out of your tree............................

...every day, same routine........... get up............ go to work................. go home..........

................. cook dinner............... watch TV........... go to sleep...............


Sounds familiar?

Most would call it a fact of life. Work hard to get...... nowhere!

Well, the intention is to make money, save it and then secure your future.

End goal in mind: Enjoy life!

Trouble is, in the process of saving money, you miss out on the fun and become a dull person and by the time you're old and supposed to enjoy life, you don't remember what fun is, and worse yet, you have no friends. So what is the point of even trying?

Sounds like the story of some middle-aged, average person, right?

What if this was an intelligent, talented young lady, living with her boy friend, both University graduates and employed?

What happened to being able to enjoy one's youth, without the fear of not being able to own your own home, or enjoy the better things in life, a holiday or just relaxing?

A sad state of affairs.

I say, make the most of every moment, do your best and stay the cheerful person I have known in the past! Happy people attract better luck and opportunities. Things are moving in the right direction and a little patience comes easier with age.

It does not cost much to live in the moment and forget the past or the future. Switch off the phone, let your hair down. Enjoy each other's company. Recharge those batteries. Do something spontaneous.

I'm just a middle-aged man, but I still have my moments. C'est la vie...... go and enjoy it, just once in a while.

Even boring old New Zealand must have something better than just boring old farts. Why would it be called ... a slice of heaven?

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