We often get asked to match a tint to glass, where the glass has been changed, due to breakage and does not match the other panes.
The first hurdle to clear, is that the new glass is the same as the old one. Sometimes a glass type or colour becomes obsolete. Sometimes, the glazier installs clear glass, where previously it was tinted or coated.
The second hurdle is when the glass is the same, but the old film has lost its colour, has gone purple or lost the reflection.
Usually, we are the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. We will seldom be able to get an exact match in these circumstances.
At Tint Waikato, we know just about every film that is in use in New Zealand and can usually get it, even if we don't use that particular brand for one reason or another. Most manufacturers are making very similar films in colour and appearance, with a few exceptions. In fact, we have fun guessing which film it is, before making a comparison as confirmation.
When it comes to achieving a colour match with old film, forget it! Most old films turn purple and even metallised films change their appearance, if they are hybrid films (metal and dye). In these cases, we recommend to strip and re-tint the entire area. Some insurance companies are willing to pay for the extra work, even if just one window was broken.
Our Master Tinters have a lot of experience in tint matching and work closely with glass companies to minimise the colour differences for their clients.
And here is some advice: Check with your insurance company, if glass breakage is subject to an excess or loss of no-claims bonus. Many companies cover it for just a nominal amount extra per months. This can include tenanted properties too. Well worth it!
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