The power of a newspaper article

Today, our phone was a lot busier than usual. A number of the callers mentioned an article in the NZ Herald. I recall having talked to a rep from this newspaper a couple of weeks ago. They were going to have a feature up about double glazing in their "Home" section. This is a hot topic at the moment, with the NZ Government, in it's infinate wisdom and utter lack of common sense, making double glazing compulsory in every new home. Fantastic for the cold south, but up in the Bay of Islands? Come on!

Anyway, talking to this rep, I told him about the double glazing and window tinting going hand in hand. After all a double glazed unit is great at keeping heat in, it performs very poorly at keeping the heat out in the first place. Window film is exactly the opposite, so the two systems compliment one another.

So a day or so later I get the call from the writer of the article. I think he was suitably impressed learning these facts and incorporated it into his story, including my name and business. By sheer coincidence, I happened to place an ad in this section at the same time. Yeah right!

Good ploy for these newspapers to involve their advertisers. I look at it as a win-win-win situation. The paper gets an ad placed, the advertiser gets more response and the reader gets more knowledge and the chance to do something about their problems.

An ad by itself? Nowhere as effective.

Solar radiation is far stronger during the day, penetrating the two layers of clear glass easily, heating up a room quickly. Touching the glass , it will remain cold to the touch. Applying a tint to the inside, will warm up this surface, helping to keep some of the heat in. At the same time a good window film will radiate a large proportion of the direct heat back outside.

At night, when the solar radiation is zero, film makes no real difference, although you will experience less condensation on ordinary glass. There are now some Low-e films, promoting to be as effective as double glazing.They may be worth looking into.

There you go, something else shared with you. For more info about any aspect of window tinting, give me a call at work, or send me a message.

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