Winter sun- protect your art work!

Have you ever noticed how the winter sun enters your home at different angles?

Most people think of fading in summer, when it is hot. Heat is mistaken for UV and fading. I guess it has a lot to do with our TV campaigns, telling us to "slip, slop, slap". Although heat does have a significant impact on fading, it is not the biggest factor, especially here in Godzone.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is not felt, smelt, heard or seen. It is sneaking up on you and your precious belongings, giving you sunburn and fade your home's interior. New Zealand's UV is far higher than most places world wide. Visitors are often ignorant of this fact and get burned within half an hour in the sun.
Generally, UV is blamed for around 40% of fading. In NZ, you can take this up to around 60%, depending on the makeup of the material. Having said that, don't be fooled into believing that simply stopping UV will be enough. (Read this article)

Fade protection is important all year round. In the cooler months, the sun penetrates far deeper into rooms, often reaching back walls, where art work is effected. We also get more calls for glare protection this time of year, where the sun's angle makes it hard to see computer monitors or screens at checkouts in supermarkets.

A film does not need to be dark, to be effective, but it does need to have a tint in it, to absorb or reflect the heat. It will not make your home colder in winter! We recommend Ceramic Films to maximise the fade reduction, without the need to go dark.

Call 0800 846 892 for an obligation free consultation by an experienced window tinter.

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